In case you didn't know I am also into Dollhouse miniatures.I have been ever since my high school home ec project.(We had to make a model of a kitchen ,showing its work triangle,so I heard of miniature shop a lady had at her house-and I fell in love with her dollhouse she had)Anyway so I saw this ladies dollhouse and wanted her husband to make me one to.And well long story short ,my parents got it for me as a surprise for my 18th birthday.It might sound like a childish gift but it isn't like a Barbie house.It is a adult collectors item,with real lights that work.And the detail is unbelievable.At the moment my house is not organised as I had packed all the furniture up.But when it is all set up again I will take some pictures and post them.Although my house isn't nearly full and finished like many other peoples.There isn't realy miniature shops here,so all my mini shopping gets done online and can become costly not to mention highly addictive.I think if I had enough money and given the chance I could become a major addict to online shopping.
Anyway here are some cute mini's I saw online.Don't you just love them?I do!
Anyway here are some cute mini's I saw online.Don't you just love them?I do!

The attention to detail is unreal.I wish I was this good to make my own mini's.But we don't realy have the supplies here and I think I also suffer from a lack of patience.I get to disheartened when it doesn't look how I pictured it to be in my mind.
The cutest little ring I found online(wish i could see it in real life).Which I probably wouldn't wear ,but love it.I think Cassandra would love it and totally wear it.I dont think my fingers are long enough for such bulky jewels,hehe.
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